Dentistry Unlocked: The Master Key To Successful BDS Career
SUGGESTION: You NEED NOT BUY all the books!!
1. Get the photostat of the important topics from the standard books.
2. Issue from the Library
3. Make your own notes that can stay with you forever
4. Get the ebooks for reference
Ananthanarayan and Paniker’s Textbook of Microbiology(11th Edition)
Textbook of Microbiology (C.P. Baveja) 6th Edition
Textbook of Pathology (Harsh Mohan) 8th Edition
Pharmacology for Dentistry (Shanbhag) 3rd Edition
Essentials of Pharmacology for Dentistry (KD Tripathi) 4rd Edition
Phillips Science of Dental Materials
Textbook of Dental Materials
Sturdevant’s Art & Science Of Operative Dentistry (2nd Edition)